Kendall and Kylie game Wikia

You and Emily Sun attends The Kindness' concert at The Malibu Amphitheatre. Speak to Emily and she'll remind you that you have one extra ticket. She'll also tell you to touch the blue icon to the right of her, so you can invite someone from your contacts list to join you at the concert.

Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Appearances Appearances

Time limit: 1 hour
Bluestar needed: 25
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+20 Cash+50 KGem+1

The Kindness' Concert
Action Energy Cost Rewards Achievement
Behemoth Energy Drink Energy 1 Cash 10 Bluestar+1 Xp+3 Cash+1 Makeitrainam Make it Rain
blow up the spot Energy 6 Bluestar+8 Xp+8 Cash+8 Extrovertam Extrovert
break dance Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3 Appearances Shine
clap to beat Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
climb down quickly Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+5 Cash+2
dance battle Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
drop the mic Energy 5 Bluestar+7 Xp+5 Cash+5 Extrovertam Extrovert
experimental dance Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
improptu rap Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+1 Cash+1
jump on stage Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
Limited Edition H20 Energy 1 Cash 5 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 Makeitrainam Make it Rain ?
marathon dance session Energy 3 Bluestar+5 Xp+4 Cash+3
order drink Energy 4 Bluestar+4 Xp+2 Cash+2
AddContact selfies! Energy 5 Bluestar+9 Xp+6 Cash+20 Energy+1 Virtuosoam Professional
selfies with fans Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
sit and drink Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+2 Cash+2 Energy+1
watch the show Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3 Appearances Shine
wave to crowd Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3


EmilySunIcon Okay... so we still have one ticket left. If you touch the blue icon to the right of me, you can see your contact list.
(Y/N) What's that?
EmilySunIcon Your contacts are people you've chatted or flirted with! They include people you've met around here as well as your real-life friends. Log into a social network to see your friends in your contact list, and then you can invite them to help you out, or date, if you want.
(Y/N) All right. Thanks!