Kendall and Kylie game Wikia

description here

Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Photoshoots Photoshoots

Time limit: 6 hours
Bluestar needed: 130
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+215 Cash+375

Spring Looks
Action Cost Reward Achievement
brainstorm ideas Energy 8 Bluestar+9 Xp+9 Cash+8
check digital shots Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
flurry of poses Energy 4 Bluestar+4 Xp+4 Cash+4 Virtuosoam Virtuoso
grab a drink Energy 3 Bluestar+2 Xp+3 Cash+3
new outfit Energy 5 Bluestar+4 Xp+5 Cash+6
pick new music Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
AddContact pose together Energy 5 Bluestar+9 Xp+6 Cash+20 Energy+1 Virtuosoam Professional
rock some accessories Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2 Stylisham Stylish
work your angles Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3


KendallText (Y/N), please say you have some free time
(Y/N) BlackSpeechBubble 1 Why?
BlackSpeechBubble 2 For you? Always!
KendallText 1 Because I'm double booked for a photo shoot and I promised the editor I'd find a replacement. And I think you would be perfect.
(Y/N) Wow. Thanks for thinking of me.
KendallText Thank you! You're a life saver. I'll let Perry know the details.
(Y/N) Great!