Kendall and Kylie game Wikia

description here

Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Appearances Appearances

Time limit: 6 hours
Bluestar needed: 130
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+ Cash+


Action Cost Reward Achievement
bust a move Energy 6 Bluestar+8 Xp+8 Cash+8
clap to beat Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
cut loose Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3
holler with approval Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3
refill your water bottle Energy 3 Cash 5 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3
AddContact selfies! Energy 5 Bluestar+9 Xp+6 Cash+20 Energy+1
selfie with fan Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
shoot some video Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2
stage dive! Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 Athleticam Athletic


PerryTextIcon Hey (Y/N), how's it going?
(Y/N) Good.
PerryTextIcon I've got some pretty cool news regarding Emily! She's being considered for a guest editor gig at Caprice Magazine. It'd definitely be a good boost for her.
(Y/N) Great!
PerryTextIcon There's a concert coming up at Malibu Amphitheatre. Why don't you invite Emily and do some catching up?
(Y/N) Sure.

EmilyTextIcon Hey (Y/N)! You will not believe the date I just went on...
(Y/N) (Mention concert.)
EmilyTextIcon You don't want to know about my date? k, fiiine. Let's go have some fun!
(Y/N) Sweet.
